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[school-discuss] NECC - Seattle 2003 Call for Proposals
Hello Folks,
The web site for submitting proposals for presenting at NECC is now
open. The deadline for proposals is October 9th.
If you are using open source software in schools please consider
presenting at this conference. There are several different categories
and strands. Please share your proposal ideas with the list(s) so we can
all help out.
The NECC conference is the largest edu/technology conference in the US.
There will be over 10,000 teachers there and half again as many vendors.
This is a great opportunity for us to let others know about the
strengths of free software and the open source community. It may also
server as a great chance for many of us to get together as well.
We (K12LTSP.org) have received some funding from linuxfund.org and we
hope to get more from affero.org to help. The first step though is
crafting a well written proposal and getting it in on time!
Help send OSS educators to NECC:
Paul Nelson........................ pnelson@riverdale.k12.or.us
Riverdale High School, 9727 SW Terwilliger, Portland, OR 97219
school (503)892-0722..........................fax (503)982-0723
Riverdale Web Page............... http://hs.riverdale.k12.or.us