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[school-discuss] Riverdale High - K12LTSP case study...
Hello Folks,
I've posted a draft case study (really just a beginning...) of what we
did (and used) to create the K12LTSP labs in our new high school
Some of the good deals we got on cases and motherboards are still out
I'd appreciate questions and requests for information you think should
be included here.
;-) Paul
PS: I've setup an account at affero.org to help gather funds for
teachers interested in traveling to the NECC conference in June of 2003.
See: http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=pnelson for more info if your
interested in learning more.
Paul Nelson........................ pnelson@riverdale.k12.or.us
Riverdale High School, 9727 SW Terwilliger, Portland, OR 97219
school (503)892-0722..........................fax (503)982-0723
Riverdale Web Page............... http://hs.riverdale.k12.or.us