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[school-discuss] Re: your mail
Hi all - i got a reply to inwuiry about the Fle3 tools.
They are definitely Web based as Teemu tells us below. The look and feel
of the screenshots (available on their web page), indicate that this
may be a fairly mature product. Anyone looking for Platform neutral
educational software may want to take a look at this system
Mature product = it works without crashing, the interface is consistent,
and it may have some documantation.
Platform Neutral = works on Linux and Ms systems as well as Macs etc..
Since it is web based any machine that can run a browser can use it.
First Linux, now Fle3.
Software from Northern Europe is sweeping the globe.
On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 03:21:48PM -0400, Teemu Leinonen wrote:
> Fle3 (http://fle3.uiah.fi) is more web based than the majority of
> the "web pages" in the web nowadays :-).
> For teacher's and students' use Fle3 is designed to work every web
> browser (Netscape, Opera, Explorer, Mozilla, Konqueror) on every
> operating system (Unix, Linux, Mac OS, Windows, etc.). As it is
> impossible to test for all combinations beforehand we appreciate any
> reports on bugs you may encounter (http://fle3.uiah.fi.)
> Fle3 does not require the use of cookies, flash, javascript or
> Java. However it does use CSS (style sheets) to render the visuals
> on the page. While this is not 100% essential, the display can look
> a bit confusing without style sheet support. All modern browsers
> (IE5, Netscape4, Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera5 or later) support some
> type of style sheets.
> ____________________________
> Teemu Leinonen
> http://www.uiah.fi/~tleinone/
> Office: + 358 9 756 30 296
> GSM: +358 50 351 6796
> Media Lab, UIAH Helsinki
> http://www.mlab.uiah.fi
> Future Learning Environment 3
> http://fle3.uiah.fi
Jeff Kinz, Director, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA. "jkinz@ultranet.com"
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"jkinz@rcn.com" copyright 2002. Use is restricted. Any use is an
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