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Re: [school-discuss] StarOffice in Edu.
Anna Johnson wrote:
> Sun promotes through donation when they should be
> attending the conferences, co-writing case studies,
> and placing ads and articles in the k-12 and higher ed
> magazines. Call me skeptical, but I have a feeling
> their software donation is going to be laying around
> unused in a classroom cubby hole. Donation without
> teacher and administrator professional development, is
> a waste of $$$$.
We need to get this message to Sun, rather than just passing it among
ourselves. They should attend the NECC conference that Paul Nelson is
talking about as a first step.
How valuable is my contribution?
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Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant