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[school-discuss] [Fwd: BOUNCE schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net: Non-membersubmission from [Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>]]
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From: Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>
To: Schoolforge Discuss <schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net>
Subject: Re: [debian-jr] Re: Tux Paint Config alpha release
Message-ID: <20040907201609.GD6592@sonic.net>
References: <20040907044718.GA3484@sonic.net> <200409070900.34269.cobaco@skolelinux.no>
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On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 09:00:32AM +0200, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
> will tuxpaint suport the freedesktop basedir spec [1] which specifies where
> to look for configuration files?
I'll take a look tonight, and we'll probably work on it for the upcoming
0.9.14 release. (If not, then it'll be in the queue for 0.9.15 :) )
bill@newbreedsoftware.com Man, some trip this turned out to be.
http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/ All we caught is a tire, a boot,
New Breed Software a tin can and this book of cliches.