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[school-discuss] [ANNOUNCE GCompris release 7.0PRE1]
The new Beta Release is out at:
Kids all over the world go back to school. They need better tools and we
are ready to help them.
The release 7.0PRE1 is now ready. This version focuses on providing
professional management tool within GCompris to teachers. If you knew
the gcompris_edit tool, it has been replaced by a new implementation
that is accessible by the GCompris configuration icon in you desktop
menu (like before), or by running ʼgcompris -aʼ.
GCompris includes more than 70 activities and itʼs hard to keep kids
focussed with so many choices. With the new administration module,
teachers can create profile per group of users. We made it extremely
flexible and kept it open. All the data entered here are saved in a
relational database using sqlite, it make it easy for others to reuse
it's content.
More, we now have the potential to let teachers tune some activities
closely. For example, one french teacher can decide to let the kid play
the click on letter activity in english.
On the packagers and developpers side, it brings some new dependancies
like the sqlite database.
Of course, kids are not kept left and we have some new activities for
- number cruncher by Joe Neeman are now also in GCompris
- sudoku http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku
I would like to thanks everybody who helped and specialy Yves Combe who
seconded me in this release. He his the brain behind the new
administration concept and more, now I won't be alone to be blamed when
it crashes ;)
Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net free educational software for kids
http://ofset.org free educational software for all