Wayne Mackintosh wrote:
> Hi all -
> Software Freedom Day (10 September) is a global initiative to educate
> the world about FLOSS - see: http://softwarefreedomday.org/ .
> Given our focus on FLOSS for e-learning - what are members of the
> list planning for Software Freedom Day?
> Are there any virtual initiatives where members of the list who are
> not directly involved with Software Freedom Day can participate from
> afar?
I'm looking forward to speedgeeking with the Computer Angels team, see:
I have also involved the BookCrossing.com community by creating a
bookplate to be used for Software Freedom Day, see:
http://www.crustytapioca.com/books/ (or
http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=53866). Also, I provided
local bookcrossers at the last meetup with the bookplates and many will
be registering and releasing books around Perth and at the Computer
Angels OBCZ on Software Freedom Day.
All the best
Jacqueline McNally
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