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[school-discuss] Re: [IIEP] Is the IIPE FLOSS community still out there?
This isn't, strictly speaking, education related, but it is about Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Asia:
From: Wayne Mackintosh <w.mackintosh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2005/09/07 Wed PM 02:27:10 GMT+05:30
To: ELEARN-OPENSOURCE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [IIEP] Is the IIPE FLOSS community still out there?
Hi everyone,
Just wanting to check if the IIPE FLOSS community is still alive <smile>.
The IIPE group forwarded a comprehensive wish list of topics for us to
tackle over the next 2 months. Based on our reading of the suggestions we
assessed that "social software" and its related themes was the "hot topic"
which should be used as the starting point of our discussions.
Have we got this right, or are there other issues which have a higher
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