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Re: The Distribution

Erik Walthinsen wrote:
> It's based on Debian.  We do not have the time nor the resources to start
> from scratch, as some have suggested, for SEUL, nor can we for the Core.
> The plan is to be Debian based from the Core up, eventually to integrate
> with Debian as much as is possible given each distrib's goals.

I wasn't saying we should.  Not in this post =)

> Not necessarily.  George is waiting for the boot disks to be ready for a
> very good reason.  If he were to start from bo-stable, he'd have a nice,
> outdated, obsolete libc5 system.  He's starting with hamm, so he's getting
> a glibc2 system right away.  His initial goal is to get a complete custom
> system installed, which *requires* boot disks.  Therefore, he is waiting
> (not very long, I don't think) for the initial 2.0 boot disks to become
> available.

I understand this.  But hamm is available and I doubt that much is going
to be different from bo.  Most of the pkgs in bo and hamm are the same,
they are just compiled under libc6 instead of libc5.  It's safe to
assume that most, if not all of the pkgs in the Bo installation disks
are also going to have their libc6 version in the hamm installation
disks.  Therefore work can begin on certain pkgs now.  By the time you
get to the more questionable pkgs, hamm should be out or at least

I mean is there any doubt that the libc6 version of fdisk is going to be
in there?  Or the file system?  Or file utils? etc.