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Re: Mission Statement

bickiia@earlham.edu wrote:
> >"Seul-edu is intended for discussion about using Linux for 
> >educational purposes."
> I think we should be more assertive than "discussion"...

How about, "Seul-edu intends to make Linux the best computer operating
system for educational purposes."
> >For the "about seul-edu," something more like this:
> >
> It probably shouldn't say K12, because those are US terms.  I can't
> think of the right term, though... it's there somewhere.
I agree about the K12, but I can't think of a convenient shorthand
either.  Let me give it a try:

"Seul-edu intends to make Linux the best computer operating system for
educational purposes.  While we consider education to be a life-long
endeavor, our current focus is on education for children from the start
of their schooling till their entrance to college.  The educational
purposes we're concentrating on include using Linux for student machines
in school computer labs, using Linux for faculty and staff use in 
schools, using Linux for network file, print, and application servers on
school networks, and using Linux for educational purposes on home
computers.  If present applications meet these needs we find them and
publicize their availability; if there aren't any available applications
in specific areas we help develop the needed programs."

What I've tried to do is define our current scope and then assume it to
carry over to the following statements.  Does it work?

Doug Loss                 The difference between the right word and
Data Network Coordinator  the almost right word is the difference
Bloomsburg University     between lightning and a lightning bug.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Mark Twain