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[seul-edu] Introduction

I have been a fulltime mathematics teacher in an alternative high school in
Tallahassee Florida for 11 years. I also manage the computers at the school
(one salary only !). This includes 2 NT Servers, 4 Linux Servers (one of
which is a Power Mac 9600 running linuxppc-1999), 1 Novell Server (which
solely runs self paced Jostens educational software), 60 NT Workstations, 15
Win 95 Machines, 10 Macintoshes, and 10 dual boot NT/Win3.1 (Novell clients)
stations, all on a 10/100 Base T switched network. I am sure I left
something out.

The miriad of services running on my servers include (but are not limited
to) DNS, DHCP, WINS, samba, nfs, postgres, apache/php, apache/mod_perl, card
catalog software (winnebago/spectrum), etc, etc, etc,

I am self taught in the computer area (I have set up and configured and
continue to manage all of the school ... well we hired out for some of the
wiring). I have managed to pry open my brain to make numerous bash scripts
(NT, Linux, and scripts that interact over platforms) which have allowed me
more time to do other things (as if I already don't have enough to do ;) ...
see 3 kids below). I have lately learned php3 and postgresql, and put
together a form that teachers and administrators have to fill out for their
yearly evaluations. 

I found out about this list while searching for some examples of gradebooks
that use php and either postgresql or mysql (I have postgresql installed but
they look pretty similar for my simple purposes so I will go where I am led)
I browsed the seul archives and read most of the interesting discussions on
creating a Gnome Gradebook, but .. this is not what I am looking for ... I
want a purely web interfaced gradebook. I only want a simple
grades/weight/calculation/entries program that would be able to pull
together information on a single student from all classes. 

Anyway ....

Other things about me ... I taught math in Japan for a year, I have lived in
Israel on a kibbutz for 2 years, I have a house in my mother-in-laws village
in France that my wife (an archaeologist and potter) and 3 kids visit every
couple of years, I have also taught myself how to fix cars, build houses,
play frisbee freestyle and do more and better hackysac tricks than my
students (still at 42!) ... oh yeah, I have started to waste lots of time
playing chess at freechess.org lately

Replies are welcome!

mikE wohlgemutH

A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the conditions
that make it fail.
                -- Jerry Ogdin

matH departmenT heaD
technologY coordinatoR
sail higH schooL----> 