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[seul-edu] Montreal - SEUL/edu presentation...
Good news - Looks like they're ready to put us in the "Linux In Education"
stream for the Linux Expo Ameriques conference in Montreal. This is a great
opportunity to give SEUL/edu and allied projects at an international event.
This also gives us a good chance to test our preparations for our
presentations at later conferences.
I'll write another email shortly with some other questions I have, but for
the time being, I wanted to get this out to the list.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Linux-expo Montreal
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 08:52:16 +0000
From: Svetlana Sarycheva <svetlana.s@sky-events.com>
We're pleased to inform you that your conference proposal has been selected
by the Advisory Board of our International Committee for your participation
in the conference cycle taking place on 11 and 12th of April 2000 in
The exact information about time, track and the names of other speakers of
your session will be send to you as soon as possible (later today or
The conference is divided in several parts and each speaker has 45 minutes
We also need your photograph, a short biography and the list of all your
publications, together with the URL adress of your presentation, which is
to be linked to our website parallely to the show.
For any additional information please contact our website.
Jelena Ivkovic and Svetlana Sarycheva
Nous avons le plaisir de vous
informer que votre proposition de
th�me concernant le cycle de
conf�rences Linux Expo, a �t�
retenu par le comit� de programme.
Votre intervention entre dans le
cadre de la session dont la date, l'heure
qui sera precis� dans le mail qui suit
pendant le cycle des conf�rences � Montreal,
le 11 et 12 avril 2000.
Nous vous informons que la
conf�rence se d�coupe en plusieurs
parties et que vous disposez de 45 minutes.
Comme l'annee derniere, nous
proposons � nos auditeurs les
slides de votre intervention a
partir de liens sur notre site
Web, et pour cela nous vous prions
de bien vouloir nous faire parvenir
votre URL.
Nous avons besoin �galement de votre photo,
courte biographie et la liste de vos publications.
Nous restons � votre enti�re
disposition pour toutes
informations compl�mentaires.
Jelena Ivkovic et Svetlana Sarycheva
Responsable Conf�rences
T�l: 33/(0)1 43 45 93 71 / Fax: 33/(0)1 43 45 92 44
Linux Expo Paris - 1,2 et 3 fevrier 2000
Linux Expo Montreal - 10,11 et 12 avril 2000
Svetlana Sarycheva
Chef de projet/Conference manager
Tel. 01 43 45 97 18
Fax. 01 43 45 92 44
Pete St. Onge - McGill U. Limnology - Fun with Ropes & Buckets
pete@seul.org http://wwp.mirabilis.com/4322052
SEUL - Linux for All! http://www.seul.org
Programming For Science Page http://www.trentu.ca/~erpds
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