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Project updates

Since the mailing list is fairly quiet at the moment, I'm going to ask
each person who is listed as a project leader on our projects page
<http://www.seul.org/edu/projects.html> to write up a project update to
let us all know where that project stands.  If you are listed as the
leader of more than one project feel free to put the updates all
together into one message.

If you're listed as a project leader (remember, Wil and I assigned some
of these ourselves) and don't wish to lead that project or feel that you
can't do so at this time, let me (dloss@seul.org) or Wil (wil@seul.org)
know and we'll make the change.

If you feel overwhelmed by the project we've assigned to you but still
want to try to lead it, let us know on the list and we'll see if we
can't get some others involved in helping you.  And finally, if the
project we've assigned to you seems as though it should be rethought or
even abandoned, let us know that, too.

Let's try to get these updates on the list by Monday or Tuesday, OK?

Doug Loss                 A life spent making mistakes is not only
Data Network Coordinator  more honorable, but more useful than a
Bloomsburg University     life spent doing nothing.
dloss@bloomu.edu                G. B. Shaw