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Plea for help, studyguide interested in ? [Was Re: [seul-edu] repasa 1.0- ]

El Mar 24 Jun 2003 13:35, Vladimir Támara escribió:
> repasa is a set of three kind of tools: For creation of contents
> directly in the XML format of repasa or in DocBook
> following some conventions, for checking the contents, and for studying
> the contents and registering progress. The
> contents can be specified with definitions, classifications for the
> definitions (possibly along with exercises), and sequences of study.
> It is especially well suited to organize information according to the
> current legislation for education in schools of Colombia.
> It is a program in the public domain, as well as the sources and the
> documentation.  Although the messages are in spanish and it has been
> developed specially for Colombian schools, the comments in the sources
> are in english.
> http://structio.sourceforge.net/repasa/
> Best regards

Following that link I've come to :
"Aprendiendo a Aprender Linux Guías para colegios con plataforma de referencia 
S-Helio 1.1" 
a most interesting piece of paper, that  has stirred my nostrils which were 
smelling the air for material relating to Linux configuration in Window-Linux 
environments of the kind you may encounter in some exams I'm deemed to pass 
some day. 

For example, an exercise of such an exam reads this (translating from 
" In the Computer center of the university , you must migrate to a new server, 
due to the obsolence of the current one. 
We are serving admin people and teachers, 800 persons as a whole, divided into 
10 admin units and 15 school departments.

Their need are:
- Execution of apps running in network, some general some specific to some 
- Tool to share documents
- network printers.
- common and individual storage with quotas. 
- access permissions 

Use as a SO for the server, RedHat, and Wincrash Experienced for the clients. 
The  cost is a key factor and free tools are preferrable over commercial, 
whenever possible. 

Explain in detail how would be the implementation of the new system:
- Hardware requirements for the solution
- Instalation and detailed configuration  of the server OS and needed 
- Installation and conf of the clients
- user organization.
- Security measures in both systems.
- Characteristics of the share tool .

Ok, I'd be grateful if you can help me to solve THIS exam or  provide doc 
which answers those questions more or less DIRECTLY. 

On the other side, I've been working in a kind of "schema" making and 
"organizing" tool , which output you can encounter at:

Basically, it's a python script- the user has to write python code (just 
brackets, and quotes, basically - , that generates that document, so it helps 
to build schemas, curricula,... and you can add "coverage" to each subject so 
the program says to you, what's the next thing you have to study....

Is anybody interested in such a tool ? comments ? 
I'm running many others projects, apart from Real Life project, and any 
launch, packaging... of any project, takes no less than 4 hours. 
