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Introduction & Biology Course and List

I have been attempting to work on a WWW Clickable Cell biology course
since 1994 (in my spare time, which has really dwindled).  Also I 
have maintained a Yet Another List of on-line courses (free via WWW).
(I was pretty much out of commission for 4 years at Los Alamos, but
 I moved, changed jobs and recovered... (^8  ).

Generic information about me (more than you want to know):

A few other places working on on-line courses:

For the Cell biology course I would like to:
  GPL or similar Open 'license' to the course..  Basically I don't want
  it to fragment, and I would prefer a central 'blessed' site that has
  accurate information.  (nothing is worse than learning incorrect information).

  I want HELP.. working on this.  (I am thinking of holding a OpenSource
  graphics contest to see who can come up with the best GPLed 3D low
  bandwidth images).
	1. Finish writing the course.
	2. Rewrite in modern WWW format (I am still trying to decide).
	   - php, java, dynamic html, xml, etc...etc..
	3. Redo the graphics (done in the grand old Xpaint, pre-gimp era).
	4. Do a few animations for important processes (like mitosis
           versus meiosis).
	5. Setup login/passwords along with quizzes so that people can:
		- Keep track of what they have accessed.
		- Take quizzes and track their progress
		- A teacher or home schooler could use it to help
                  track their process (if they choose to use it that way).
	6. Multi-teired so that there are at least 3 basic levels to
           the cell course (or any course).
		- Beginner     - Grade school or new to biology (simple)
		- Intermediate - Junior high to High school
		- Advanced     - College level

Also my course listing is at:

And I have a few other projects (I play with every so often)..
  1. Helping schools/individuals get setup on linux..
     (Princeton Univ. Clusters, I do big computers normally (^8 ).
  2. Writing a WWW Guitar course (free of course)..
      - I should do a few audio files to go with the exercises.
  3. Writing a Robotics & Basic electronics course.. 
     Related to BEAM Robotics mostly, which I have been teaching to
     people from 7 years old on up to 70...
     (unfortunately that server lost their disk, but I have it on
      my home machine)...

Mark Dalton       CH3-S-CH2 H                      H      O       H
Silicon Graphics, Inc.  |   |                      |       \      |
Eagan, MN 55121         CH2-C-COO    //\ ---C--CH2-C-COO    C-CH2-C-COO
mwd@sgi.com                 |       |  ||   ||     |       //     |
                            NH3      \\/ \ / CH    NH3    O       NH3
My home page: http://www.cbc.umn.edu/~mwd/mwd.html
Cell Biology: http://www.cbc.umn.edu/~mwd/cell.html