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Linux Lab 0.0.2

Linux Lab with Linux Server

	I think the main reason I would want to see Linux used in classrooms is
for the increased security it brings, although there are other compelling
reasons. I don't know how familiar you are with Linux Dan, so don't feel
like I'm trying to patronize you ) A properly configured Linux machine
could easily be set up so that someone could not just go in and change the
settings. For example, if a card catalog program was running in a stock
Windows 95/98 machine, a user could do anything they wanted, including
wiping the machine. But a Linux machine with a 'guest' account running the
card catalog software without any more set up than that would be pretty
much safe from the regular attacks that plague Windows 95 machines.
	Similarly user accounts on a Linux box are distinct. I can configure
backgrounds, screensavers, etc for my account and in no way affect another
user's account. Thus we eliminate the "background" wars common in Windows
labs, which waste kids time. Also password-locked screensavers that are a
rather constant annoyance on Windows labs are simple problems to fix in
Linux. Just log into the machine, become root and kill the screensaver or
login process. This is trivially easy to do, and at most requires an
instruction sheet for less-computer savvy teachers.
(Michael A Hamblin)

Restore Installation
People admining Linux labs should look into doing kickstart installations
if you use RedHat. I plan to try this myself very soon. It allows you to
"clone" and installation and repeat very easily. You can also add your own
custom scripts and such to further refine the final system state. You'll
find docs for it in the RedHat installation guide (RH 5.2 and later).
(Timothy D. Wilson)

We are using Slackware (been a slackware using for years, and love it). We
setup some custom install scripts, but this does not hadnle things like
star office, and custom compiled programs.  We found the easiest solution
was a tar (with numberic user and same user options).  We then modified the
rc.inet1 for the correct IP address (we are using static IPs, it's simplier
at this time than DHCP, also increases the logability of the network).
The last time I did a linux system clone (30 systems) we used tar and
bzip2, over the network. (Harry McGregor)

I don't want a student to mess up their own desktop settings.  I was
hopeing that some else had already tried to secure KDE in this way.  I
think removing the Kpannel would help a lot.  Do you know of any RC file
settings to remove things like "right click, desktop properties" in KDE?
(Harry  McGregor)

Controlling User Resources
Resources I have been able to show the lab tech at this school how to do
basic things, like ssh into a system, do a killall -9 soffice.bin when
students try to open star office 18 times ( have you ever seen a linux box
with a load over 50?  try opening star office 18 times, in one go).  (Harry

One solution is to have scripts that load up the applications.  Each would
look to see if the application were already running and not run if already
going. Dont run kpanel or the gnome panel  on the guest accounts.  Just
have desktop icons or window manager menu's that are set for allowed
programs and make everything read only.

If they can get around that kind of protection, they are ready for some
more detailed instruction and guidance. As the students gain profeciency, a
reward of a user account could follow.  (David Kirtley)

I've seen it go rather high before on DucTape. One thing you might try
looking into is a PAM module that limits the number of processes a user can
run. I'll have to see if I can find more info for you on it. What happened
on DucTape is that a user uploaded an a.out file that had been compiled
main() {
Naturally that filled memory and made the system unusable. After we
configured the PAM module, this program slowed the machine down a little
but left it generally usable for the rest of the users until an admin could
get in and kill it. (Michael Hamblin)

Ease of use solutions:
	KDE/Kuser -- Harry McGregor?
	floppy disks (RH 6.0 allows users to mount removable media by default &
properly handles FAT32 filenames, I think) 
	Mac-like window manager
	Windows-like window manager
File Sharing
	NFS -- use the new NFS server.  NFS v3 support, via kernel mode NFS, the
normal implimentation on linux is VERY slow.  (Harry McGregor)
	SAMBA -- You might want to look into Samba--with all the problems inherent
in NFS, it may not be a wise choice for a Linux based LAN. (Michael Viron)

	Manual TCP/IP
	SNMP -- Harry McGregor?
EDU Software -- see main page

Application server:
Dual Boot:

Graphics Software:
	Gimp -- quite stable crashes occasionally.  Uses lots of RAM (I guess all
graphics packages do).  
	killustrator -- Harry McGregor?
Productivity software: -- 
	Office Suites:  <http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/Office/>
	Andrew -- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~AUIS/ -- never tried it
	koffice -- http://koffice.kde.org/ -- never tried it
	saig -- http://www.edu.stockholm.se/siag/ -- I can't remember why now, but
it didn't compile. I think I couldn't find some library it wanted.		
	axene -- http://www.axene.com/english/shop.html
	cliq -- http://www.quad.com/linux.htm
	StarOffice -- http://www.stardivision.com/ -- good, but requires a LOT of
resources.  Not appropriate for minimal computers.  Also has annoying
registration method.

Word Processors -- http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/Wordprocessors/
	Maxwell -- http://www.eeyore-mule.demon.co.uk/ -- good but quirky, author
recommends moving to abisource eventually.
	LyX -- http://www.lyx.org/ -- very stable, but not a normal word processor
	PAPyRUS -- http://or.mime.univ-paris8.fr/~loscar/Papyrus/papyrus_eng.html
-- good, but incomplete.
	WordPerfect -- http://linux.corel.com/linux8/
	KLyx -- kde enabled LyX
	Go -- http://www-personal.umich.edu/~clahey/software/ -- have not tried --
requires gnome.
	GWP (part of gnome) -- http://www.hungry.com/products/gwp/ -- never tried,
still very young project.

Special problems: