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[seul-edu] Another software you could look at

I hate to post more that one message a day to the list without a good reason (i
think of it as spamming), but this may interest you: 

GnomeKiSS is a KiSS doll viewer for GNOME. KiSS dolls are your typical "dress
the paperdoll" figures in a PC. They`re quite popular in the anime/otaku
communities, as is there where they were born (so, there`s a lot of anime dolls
already done). I think that little girls would love to play with that. So the

Home of GnomeKISS


The KISS page at otakuworld (the official file specifications, a really big doll
library and links to related sites is there)


There`s no linux software for actually creating the dolls yet, but the .cel
files it uses are plaintext and well documented, so a doll-making software could
be easily constructed, and The GIMP could handle the cels.

Also there is the kamishibai storytelling system, also with plaintext files,
and this one is general enough to have simple rpg-style games made there (The
viewer is basically a "light" hypertext system or possibly a very simple
powerpoint workalike, it shows images with a midi soundtrack and maybe a sound
effect, and provides a way to make links to other cells but is better if you go
to the official website at http://www.otakuworld.com/shibai/ and see for
yourself). So, when i`m finished with the serious work (maybe never :) i`ll
give it a shot and make it in python and make solid my ideas about using it in
education besides the obvious use (not very clear now BTW, but they`re there :)

Jaime Herazo B.
E-Mail: jherazo@geocities.com
Date: 21-May-00
Time: 00:41:39

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