My $.02:
In Louisiana we are in the
second year of LEAP (Louisiana Educational Assessment Program, I think), which
students must pass in order to move out of 4th, 8th, and 12th grades. LEAP is
patterned after what Iowa has been doing for a few years. It's a mixture of
multiple-choice, short-response, and essay questions. The majority of students
around the state passed, but in New Orleans most failed. I don't remember the
exact number, but something over 75 or 80% of the "Academically
unacceptable" schools in the state were right here. It really shone the
spotlight on the corruption and incompetence in the city. It's a shame the kids
have to suffer, but it's about time there was some accountability.
On Wed, 2 May 2001, Steelhead
> As I look this over, I find I am missing out on the
notion of the the > "required high-stakes standardized
tests" as it is applied.
I could be wrong on
Arizona is currently implimenting required standardized
testing for graduation from high school (supposedly it's to take effect
in 2002, the state's consultants are now recomending 2005), and after
that they will be required to graduate from Elementary School, and Middle
These test, the AIMs tests, are aligned to Arizona's
Extreemly high standards. Unfortunatly, almost no school district
in the state comes even close to meeting the standards.
The last
group to take the AIMs test (last year), over 60% failed the math test,
What NY State is doing is requiring these alternative education
programs meet the exact same standards for graduation. Last I knew
in NY state, it was the regents exam...
> I
understand there is a different approach in NY as opposed to >
Caliornia. to testing, but, when they say "Standardized Tests", do
they > refer to a proscibed litany of subject matter to be
accomplished in a > lock-step schedule, or is it just "overall
knowledge of the subject > material" that is being
evaluated? > > Bill > > Karl wrote: >
> > > I just read this news (below) about the Beacon School, and
thought that > > some of SEUL-EDU's members might understand the
important > > educational-issues Beacon advocates, and inscribes
upon young pioneers. > > SNIP ....... >
-- Harry
McGregor, CEO, Co-Founder, (520) 661-7875
(CELL) Open Source Education Foundation,