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Re: [seul-edu] Linux in classrooms

I installed StarOffice as root using the setup -net option. I installed it
to /usr/local/office52 then as a regular user ran setup from
/usr/local/office52 which installed a workstation version to my home

Michael Williams

Emilio Gerardo Milian wrote:

> Hello:
> My name is Emilio Milian, and am the Linux instructor at the South San
> Francisco Adult Education Center.
> Our school just started our first Linux course and we had great turnout,
> so much the school decided to add a second class session starting this
> November.
> In August, I visited Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta. While I was there
> I visited the "Red Escolar" in Guadalajara to see first hand their use
> of Linux in the Mexican schools. My visit started at one of their
> administrative offices, and was invited to return to visit a grade
> school. This was in a "humble" industrial neighborhood of Guadalajara,
> they were running Linux as a maill server, providing internet
> connections to other PC's running Linux and Windows. Their internet
> connection  was via dial-up as they still don't have the infrastructure
> for ethernet.
> Some of the problems as they explained to me was the HP hardware was not
> compatible with the version of Linux they were running, also getting
> software to run.  A big problem was getting knowledgable people. In this
> school of 900 students the "syssops" was a computer instructor who had
> been given the responsibility for running the Linux box, no training, no
> manuals, yet he on his own has trained himself to use it, and was very
> proud to show me how he finally was able to send and receive email.
> Similar problems are also encountered by us in the USA, while our school
> in South San Francisco is for adults, we still have similar problems.
> One of them is traditional software. I'm learning Linux as well, since
> others who have the knowledge have no time or is inconvenient for them
> to help us.
> We have installed Star Office 5.2, as root, but unable to use it as
> users. I believe the file privileges have to be changed.  Would anyone
> let me know what I have to do to have the entire class be able to use
> Star Office as regular user?
> Our school web site is:
> http://www.smcoe.k12.ca.us/ssfusd/as/linux/linux1.html
> Thank you
> Emilio G. MIlian