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[seul-edu] SEUL/edu FAQs

Roger Dingledine brought up an interesting point to me a couple of
days ago.  Over the past month or two we've had a substantial
increase in requests for help from people who are actually
installing Linux labs in their schools.  There have been
similarities in the questions asked and answered, which means
they're verging on being Frequently Asked Questions (see where I'm
going with this?).  What we think would be very useful would be to
FAQualize these postings into one or more SEUL/edu FAQs.  Since the
info is already there it shouldn't take much more than collating
everything and possibly combining multiple answers to the same

The big question now is, who's going to do this?  I don't have the
time, I know.  Besides, I'd like to get more of the SEUL/edu
community involved in putting content on the website so it doesn't
look like a one-man show.  Since we see answers to these questions
coming from the same group of people, I hope that one or more of you
would agree to do this.  Heck, it would help you to answer the
questions in the future.  We would be able to just snarl at people,
"That's in the FAQ!  Go read it, then come ask your questions!" just
like on USENET!  Well, really I'd expect us to be better-mannered
than that, but it would still be helpful to have all these questions
answered and available already.  And who knows, if we get enough of
them done we might have the beginnings of the School Network Guide
that Ray was thinking about earlier!

So talk among yourselves, then let's have someone or ones step up
and agree to have his, her, or their name(s) immortalized forever on
the SEUL/edu website!  Well, "forever" in internet terms, anyway.
That's probably about 1-2 years.

Doug Loss                 God is a comedian playing
Data Network Coordinator  to an audience too afraid
Bloomsburg University     to laugh.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Voltaire