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What's wrong with Windows, and right with Linux?

It looks like you two may be creating the pages we need for our early January 
announce mail(s).  Please let me know if you don't have the time to do so, we 
can find more people if necessary.


Basically, we need to put together a set of pages on our website that outline 
why SEUL exists.  This means explaining in a serious, non-derogatory manner 
precisely what *is* wrong with Windows.  The counterpoint is explaining 
what's wrong with Linux.  This is the crucial part, because the goal of SEUL 
is to fix what's wrong with Linux.

Of course, there's always the long list of things that's *right* with Linux.  
That should be one of the more prominent features of these pages.  Just a 
quick survey of things shows that Linux has a multitasking, virtual memory 
kernel, with integrated full-scale networking, some serious graphics support, 
a huge set of utilities, full source-code availability ([L]GPL'd), and full 
compatibility with POSIX/Unix.

As far as the structure of the pages themselves, that's pretty much up to 
you, within the limits of our site design.  We have some pretty serious tools 
to deal with most of these things, including a very cool parser being 
rewritten as I type, I hope... :)  Anyway, the hierarchy, section structure, 
etc. is up to you guys.

The actual process is a little more nailed down, mostly because this is a 
trial of this way of doing things.  I'd like to see if this works, and if not 
why and how to fix it, etc.

The process could be outlined something like this:

1) chat, discuss among yourselves to determine an outline and strategy
2) draft some pages
3) post to seul-project with a pointer and a request for comments/ideas
4) incorporate comments/ideas and modify/solidify pages appropriately
5) repost for final comments
6) modify/solidify
7) "release"

It's intentionally designed so that the query for comments comes only after 
there is a decent idea of what it's supposed to become.  I've seen many 
examples of lists that go off on odd discussions about something, *never* 
reaching a conclusion because nothing has been implemented, and stuff that is 
implemented is dismissed right away.  The trick is to have something up 
front, so they can't simply say "that sux, dump it" without people getting on 
their case.  It acts as a fixed, pre-existing baseline for *constructive* 
comments to be based upon.

I would appreciate feedback on this idea, as this is fresh from my brain.  I 
dunno if it will work, so I guess the only thing to do is try it.

As far as getting you started on working on the pages themselves, I need to 
piece together some documentation on the process, and get you some accounts 
on our machine.  Then you can get started putting the pages in the repository 
and see how they end up.

I've other things to go and do, but this is one of my top priorities.  I 
anxiously await your mail. :-)


     Erik Walthinsen <omega@seul.org> - SEUL Project system architect
       /  \                SEUL: Simple End-User Linux -
      |    | M E G A            Creating a Linux distribution
      _\  /_                         for the home or office user

SEUL-Leaders list, seul-leaders-request@seul.org