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Re: My doubts about Debian choice

> Þann 08-Feb-98 skrifar jfm2@club-internet.fr:
> > 
> > In a free project nobody gives orders but it seems in Debian there are
> > not even suggestions or something like periodic announcements about
> > "Useful software we would like in Debian".
> > 
>   There are frequent anouncements, about packages that need work in
> Debian.
>   Even if Debian has 200 people on the developers list, there are only
> a few core people who are developers.  And some of these guys are actively
> maintaining some 10-20 packages, or have their hands full.
> > What I infer of Bruce's post is than the Debian project is so loosely
> > coordinated than there is a definite possibility than we get only
> > minimal help if any even if Bruce tells Debian developpers to help
> > SEUL.  I also doubt of the value for our project of people who have
> > been developping a distrib since 93 or 94 and despite this in four
> > years nobody between these two hundred people has shown the slightest
> > interest in packaging a WYSYWYG Word Processor.
> > 
>   I think their disinterest in the thot stuff, is simply that it isn't
> useful enough yet.  My personal choice is LyX, which is a very good
> WYSIWYG Word Processor, and is available in Debian.

What do you know about Thot?  Thot has been freed recently (march 97)
so it is understandable it is not in Debian.  But Andrew has always
been free, simple and nice and free databases for Linux have been
available for years.  Lack of maturity is not the factor who has kept
them out of Debian.

And about Lyx it is unfinished work, but its merit to Debian people is
than it is related to LateX.

>   What you seem to have forgotten, is the plain simple fact, that Red Hat,
> Caldera and other distributions you mentioned are all commercial distributions.
> Which simply means, that you can't use them as a base for you own distribution. 

What I don't have forgotten is quite simply read the license: Caldera
Lite can be distributed freely, Suse does not allow commercial
distribution of its proprietary configuration tools but nothing seems
to oppose using non-proprietary sdoftwzare they package and about
Redhat it is entirely GPLed, lets repeat it a couple of times entirely
GPLEd, entirely GPLed.  Yes a commercial company can produce GPLed

So we can use this software.

			Jean Francois Martinez

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