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SEUL: Configuring X


I think I have a suggestion on how to deal with X REALLY sweetly.


Just blow the Xconfig file up.
no, not with explosives but with the scripting system that got its
	 name from the explosive
M4 is a standard package shipping with linux.

I came to this conclusion after dealing with sendmail.
It is easy to make many different type of sendmail configurations
with a 30 line m4 script (and a few mods to the standard files)

What does this mean?
	instead of people giving you about 10 diffenet files 
which you can cut and paste them together to the an Xconfig
file, you modify a 20 line Xconfig.cf file and run a script that
will generate an Xconfig. 

Making the 20 line Xconfig file can easily be check boxes or radio buttons
on a form.
Matthew Hirsch
Email: mph@dorsai.org            	Sat Nav: 40 46'deg N 73 59' deg W