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RE: SEUL: Project Status (0724)

A 2 hr daily meeting is a bit much for me, but again, I'd like to get
involved from the End-User applications end.


>From: 	Erik Walthinsen[SMTP:omega@omegacs.com]
>Sent: 	Thursday, July 24, 1997 3:42 PM
>To: 	seul-project@txcc.net
>Subject: 	SEUL: Project Status (0724)
>Hello all,
>As there are been quite a few happenings "behind the scenes" (so to
>speak), we (seul-leaders) though it would probably be a good idea to keep
>everyone up to date on everything...
>            *** skip to section 4 if you want to know what ***
>            *** you can be doing *now* to help the project ***
>1) www.seul.org!!!
>We now have a domain name, seul.org, but are still in the process of
>getting things all straightened out...  However, the web site is up, in
>its current state, and there are several documents there that you will
>want to be looking through.  The quick-access bar down the left has
>everything so far, and the three things you want to look at are the
>Project Goals, the SEUL FAQ, and the seul-project archives.
>This site will be updated quite a bit in the next few weeks, but once it
>quiets down a bit more there may be an e-mail service for site updates, or
>a news page, or something like that.
>2) Team leaders:
>      CyberLink: Overall project leader         (cl@txcc.net)
>     Peter Luka: Development team leader        (luka@mit.edu)
>Erik Walthinsen: Web and general infrastructure (omega@aracnet.com)
>       Ken Duck: Documentation/help team leader (twoducks@globalserve.net)
>   Juhana Siren: Web site design/maintenance    (jsiren@pc164178.oulu.fi)
>This group meets daily to discuss the current state of events, as well as
>whichever random topics come up.  For the last two weeks, our meetings
>have broken the 2hr mark consistently.  We will likely continue to meet
>daily as is possible for the life of project, though hopefully not for
>2hrs every day. :)
>Please note that we will be needing more team leaders as this project
>fleshes out.  If you believe you have the ability and the time to become
>one of these team leaders, please email cl@txcc.net (Cyber) to get things
>3) Support infrastructure
>We currently have two machines dedicated to the project.  The first is a
>machine located at MIT, which will serve as the CVS repository for the
>project.  The second machine, located at a Texas-based ISP (which one
>hasn't been hammered out yet), will act as our web server.
>CVS machine: 5x86/133, 32MB RAM, 2.1gig hd
> WWW server: 486sx33, 12MB RAM, 500MB hd
>The web server will hopefully be getting a new processor in the near
>future, but as you can probably tell, this hardware will not hold up
>beyond a certain level of load.  If you have any hardware you don't need
>and would like to donate to The Cause(tm), please e-mail me
>(omega@aracnet.com) and I will attempt to coordinate such upgrades.
>4) "What can I be doing?"
>Glad you asked ;-).  If you run across any software that you think might
>even remotely be useful for SEUL, be it admin tools, configuration
>programs, applets (CD, calc, sound, etc.), or full applications, we'd
>like to compile "formal" reviews of all of them.
>This is important because seul-project has generated a lot of ideas on how
>things can be done over the past few months.  We will definitely need to
>reuse existing software in SEUL, but we'll need to know what exists and
>have a broad factual basis for choosing what to work from. 
>A review consists of the following things:
>  1) A description of the software and what its intended function is
>  2) Apps - How does this package interact with the "user"?
>     Admin - How functional, configurable, and stable is this package?
>  3) A narative of sorts describing your experiences with said package
>  4) Details of your opinion of this package (no "It sucks!", plz...)
>  5) A recomendation (yay or nay) as to the inclusion of this package
>Required information:
>  1) Author - that'd be you
>  2) Review period - just a rough idea, from X/Y/199? to X/Y/199?
>  3) Package name - full string
>  4) Version reviewed - *very* important!
>  5) Project home page - if any
>  6) Where to get a copy - official site if possible
>Suggested packages to review:
>  dpkg, rpm, window-managers (fvwm96, enlightenment, etc.),
>  accessories (cd-players, calculators, sketchpad ala PaintBrush [ew!]),
>  *word* (all wordprocessors [not emacs!]), mnemonic, grail,
>  linuxconf, spreadsheets, databases (for home use, not Oracle...),
>  full-sized apps (StarOffice and similar, gimp, etc.),
>  misc chrome (xbanner, xriple, animated icons, "Recycle Bin" [ugh!])
>Reviews should be sent to me, Erik Walthinsen <omega@aracnet.com>, until
>such time as we have appropriate procedures in place to do things less,
>er, manually.  They will be added to the appropriate place in our
>repository and will be available on the web within a week or so.
>I will be posting a list periodically (every other day or so) of all
>reviews submitted so far, just on the off chance that *everyone* wants to
>review the same package.  Some variety would be useful... ;-)
>The next e-mail contains a template written in SEUL-doc for you to fill in
>and e-mail (so I can keep my day job...).
>5) SEUL-doc
>The reviews should be written in a semi-custom format that we've developed
>for this project.  We've dubbed it (appropriately enough) SEUL-doc.  It is
>a relatively simple extension to normal HTML that allows us more control
>for both indexing and presentation control.
>The main (required) component of a SEUL-doc conformant document is the
><SEUL-HEADER></SEUL-HEADER> tag.  This tag is a place to put all
>information relevant to the SEUL project that doesn't necessarily go in
>the document body itself.  The contents of the <SEUL-HEADER> tag used
>in package reviews are summarized below:
>Document-Type: a general category for the document, used to define
>               formatting rules and how the document "behaves" in the
>               format. For package reviews, this field must contain
>               "package-review".
>Title: document title, independent of <TITLE></TITLE>, to be used for
>       indexing in the SEUL document hierarchy.  Should be "Review
>       of package [XXXXX]"
>Description: a one-liner description of the document, or in the case of a
>             review, a description of the package relative to your
>             document.
>Author: your name/e-mail, perferrable in RFC822 format.
>Keywords: keywords to be used for a general search of all documents.  This
>          should contain the words "package review", the package name, and
>          a few keywords relative to the package itself.
>Package-Name: the name of the package you are reviewing
>Version-Reviewed: which version you are reviewing, very important for
>                  record-keeping purposes
>Project-Homepage: a URL to the project home page, if there is one.  If
>                  not, simply omit the field from the <SEUL-HEADER>
>                  section.
>Package-Source: where to find a copy of the package, in source form.
>There are also a few tags that can be used by the "package-review"
><SEUL-SECTION title="" level=n>
>  this paired tag is used in place of <Hn></Hn> in normal HTML.  This
>  allows us to do several things, including control the appearance of the
>  document, index it, create a table of contents, and do automatic section
>  numberings.
><S-S t="" l=N>
>  this is a synonym for the above tag, for document brevity.
>More may be defined later, but this is all that is necessary for a package
>If you are interested in more details about SEUL-doc design/internals,
>there are plenty.  They'll be available as soon as we have our stable
>web/ftp site up, but this is enough info to write reviews. 
>     Omega
>     SEUL project webmaster
>        Erik Walthinsen - Webmaster and infrastructure for SEUL    __
>  __                                                              / /\
> /  \           omega@sequent.com         Work: (503)578-5314    / /  \
>|    | M E G A  omega@aracnet.com         Home: (503)281-4281   / / /\ \
>_\  /_          psu12113@odin.cc.pdx.edu  Majoring in CS       / / /\ \ \
>                                                              / /_/__\ \ \
>SEUL: Simple End-User Linux - creating a Linux distribution  /________\ \ \
>http://www.seul.org/       for the average home/office user  \___________\/
>$Id: summary.mail-0724,v 1.1 1997/07/24 19:31:26 omega Exp $
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