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SEUL: Observatons

Well it has happened as I have feared.  Interest in the project has been sidetracked/diverted/lost.  The initial head of steam seems to have dissipated into nothing.
So the problem before us is how can interest in the topic be regenerated???

Just off hand I would say that the first thing that must be done is to get some kind of working parameters.  At a minimum these parameters should include the following:
Who is SEUL directed at?
Will it be a complete distribution or just a (bunch of) program(s) for easier installation
What type of interface will be used, GUI or Command line??
Will SEUL start from DOS or LINUX
What programming language will SEUL be written in (Perl, Tcl/TK, BASH, C, C++ or a combination of all of them)

To this point in time the only thing that was really agreed on by the 36 active members of this list is the the idea of a simplified interface for the installation of Linux would be a neat thing to have.

To the end of making the SEUL-project an actuality I recommend the following:

1> A steering committee be convened electronically, consisting of the following people:
Myself ..................................................................(winston@atlantic.net)
Michael Peck...........................................(mipeck@mailhost.rsn.hp.com)
Randy Heineke.............................................(heineke@vanilla.r.uwn.edu)
Alexandru Dan Corlan......................................(dcorlan@ottonel.pub.ro)
Jeffrey S. Dutky................................................(dutky@Bell.Atlantic.net)
John Hasler.......................................................(jghasler@win.bright.net)
Jean Francois Martinez...........................................(jfm@club-internet.fr)
Micah Yoder.......................................................(yoderm@geocities.com)

and that the steering committee be required to generate guidelines for SEUL within a reasonable time frame (one to two weeks).  After which time the agreed upon guidelines be presented to the list.

The next problem I foresee is once the general guide lines are established there will have to be a 'pool' of programing talent that is willing to take on the assignment of creating SEUL version .001.  To date I have read many ideas but have seen nothing about the who that will implement the ideas. (If anyone has at this point in time generated any code please  post it so the rest can get an idea of what has been done).

Basically it is my opinion that it is time to get the ball rolling on this project
