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SEUL: linuxconf rpm

for those interested in administration tools:
the linuxconf program is now available as a redhat rpm.
there is a web page, for more info:
there is a list of things is deals with, which includes several
traditionally complicated tasks (routing, ppp, named...)

here's the mail from redhat-announce.
note the warning.  this is still an early release. ;)

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From: Brian Candler <B.Candler@pobox.com>
Message-Id: <199706301842.TAA03453@gazebo.candler.co.uk>
Subject: Linuxconf RPM package
To: redhat-announce-list@redhat.com, debian-admintool@lists.debian.org,
        linnet@ccs-gw.cih.com, linuxconf@solucorp.qc.ca
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 19:41:59 +0100 (BST)
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I have built an RPM package of "Linuxconf", a powerful system configuration
utility written by Jacques Gelinas. Linuxconf can configure mail, apache,
PPP, DNS, NFS, uucp and many other aspects of a Linux system, by means of a
curses-based interface or through a web browser. I am releasing this RPM in
the hope that it will result in Linuxconf being more widely tried and tested
(and for me to try it myself! :-)

More information can be found at http://www.solucorp.qc.ca/linuxconf/

The files are:

        linuxconf-1.9r22-1.README      (this file)

and have been uploaded to ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/Incoming. They should
move to /pub/contrib/{i386,SRPMS} soon.

I made only minor modifications to build the package:
 - scripts moved from /install to /usr/lib/linuxconf/install; uninstall
   script automatically invoked when removing the package with rpm -e
 - changed the expected locations and permissions of certain files to match
   the Red Hat settings

I did not change the package to use the normal RPM methods of installing
symlinks and config files - hence you must still run the install script
(/usr/lib/linuxconf/install/doinst.sh) manually.

Note that this version (1.9r22) is a developmental snapshot. The last
'stable' release was 1.8, for which source and (non-RPM) binary are
available from the linuxconf site referred to above.

                     *   SERIOUS WARNING!   *

Installing Linuxconf optionally makes some major alterations to your system
(including the /etc/rc.d/* startup mechanism, and /usr/bin/passwd)

The installation script is very careful to let you know what changes it is
making, and to ask you to confirm each one. Backup copies are kept of these
files, and the uninstall script undoes the changes.

However I take ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY for any system damage caused by
installing this package!!! I suggest you make backups before you install. If
you need it, there is information on how to manually uninstall Linuxconf in


I do not maintain Linuxconf, and I will NOT respond to messages requesting
assistance. If you get into trouble, E-mail jacques@solucorp.qc.ca (also
remember that typing 'linux single' at the LILO boot: prompt will put you
into system maintenance mode)

Finally, from the small amount of source I have looked at, I believe
Linuxconf is prone to buffer overruns and therefore may introduce security
holes if installed suid root or in its web server mode. For now I recommend
keeping it off production systems.


Brian Candler.

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