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SEUL: Website have's and have-not's (long)

The most recent copy of the website resides at http://www.seul.org/test/

It has quite a bit of new stuff over the existing site, but it's still
nowhere near complete.  Much work remains to do, which is what this mail
is about.  At the bottom is a list of TODO groupings, which I'd like to
have names by and commitments for by the end of the weekend or soon

If you feel uncomfortable writing content, offer your services for
HTML-ization and layout.  If you don't want to deal with HTML, write the
content.  One way or another, I need everyone to pitch in here.  I will
handle keeping track of who's doing what and getting the right people


What we have:

|-- dev/
|   |   `-- index.sdoc
|   |-- admin/
|   |   `-- index.sdoc
|   |-- apps/
|   |   `-- index.sdoc
|   |-- distrib/
|   |   |-- index.sdoc
|   |   `-- kernel/
|   |-- doc/
|   |   `-- index.sdoc
|   |-- help/
|   |   |-- README
|   |   |-- doc/
|   |   |-- help_docs/
|   |   |-- html/
|   |   |   |-- bugs.html
|   |   |   |-- coders.html
|   |   |   |-- components.html
|   |   |   |-- credits.html
|   |   |   |-- documenters.html
|   |   |   |-- help.html
|   |   |   |-- helpd.gif
|   |   |   |-- helpd_s.gif
|   |   |   |-- howto-setup.html
|   |   |   |-- index.html
|   |   |   |-- index.sdoc
|   |   |   |-- info.gif
|   |   |   |-- l_hand.gif
|   |   |   |-- man-setup.html
|   |   |   |-- penguin_s.gif
|   |   |   |-- projects.html
|   |   |   |-- r_hand.gif
|   |   |   |-- xhelp-cvs-install.html
|   |   |   |-- xhelp-install.html
|   |   |   |-- xhelp.gif
|   |   |   `-- xhelp_s.gif
|   |   `-- xhelp/
|   |       |-- doc/
|   |       `-- src/
|   |           |-- doc/
|   |           |   |-- COPYING
|   |           |   |-- COPYING.LIB
|   |           |   |-- COPYING.LIB.html
|   |           |   |-- COPYING.html
|   |           |   |-- COPYRIGHT-libtkhtml
|   |-- html/
|   |   |-- index.sdoc
|   |-- install/
|   |   `-- index.sdoc
|   |-- sysarch/
|   |   |-- doc/
|   |   |-- groups/
|   |   |   |-- README*
|   |   |   |-- admin*
|   |   |   |-- app*
|   |   |   |-- distrib*
|   |   |   |-- gui*
|   |   |   |-- help*
|   |   |   `-- install*
|   |   `-- html/
|   |       `-- index.sdoc
|   `-- ui/
|       |-- doc/
|       `-- html/
|           |-- X/
|           |   |-- index.sdoc
|           |   `-- xsm.sdoc
|           |-- config/
|           |-- index.sdoc*
|           `-- toolkit/
|-- pub/
|   |-- doc/
|   |   |-- example.sdoc
|   |   |-- index.sdoc
|   |   |-- skel.sdoc
|   |   `-- writing.sdoc
|   |-- faqs/
|   |   `-- seul-faq.sdoc
|   |-- public_html/
|   |   |-- about/
|   |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |-- archives/
|   |   |   |-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |   `-- seul/
|   |   |       |-- announce/
|   |   |       |-- dev/
|   |   |       |   |-- admin/
|   |   |       |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |   |-- apps/
|   |   |       |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |   |-- distrib/
|   |   |       |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |   |-- help/
|   |   |       |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |   |-- install/
|   |   |       |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |   `-- ui/
|   |   |       |       `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |-- discuss/
|   |   |       |-- leaders/
|   |   |       |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       |-- project/
|   |   |       |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |       `-- seg/
|   |   |           |-- index.sdoc*
|   |   |-- docs/
|   |   |   |-- faq.html
|   |   |   `-- whylinux.html
|   |   |-- images/
|   |   |   `-- . . .
|   |   |-- index.html*
|   |   |-- seul-tasks.sdoc
|   |   |-- seul-tasks.txt
|   |   |-- what/
|   |   |   `-- index.sdoc
|   |   `-- whatsnew/
|   |       |-- announce/
|   |       |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |       |-- newdevlists/
|   |       |   `-- index.sdoc*
|   |       `-- website/
|   |           `-- index.sdoc*
|   `-- whylinux/
|       |-- index.sdoc*
|       `-- whylinux.sdoc
|-- seg/
`-- sys/
    |-- README*
    |-- cvs/
    |   |-- bin/
    |   |   |-- doc/
    |   |   |   |-- README*
    |   |   |   `-- index.sdoc*
    |   |   `-- trusted/
    |   |       |-- doc/
    |   |       |   `-- README*
    |   |-- doc/
    |   `-- etc/
    |-- doc/
    |   |-- README*
    |   |-- cvs/
    |   |-- dev-faq/
    |   |   |-- README*
    |   |   |-- general-FAQ.sdoc*
    |   |   `-- ssh-cvs-FAQ.sdoc*
    |   |-- goals/
    |   |   `-- whitepaper.sdoc*
    |   |-- infrastructure/
    |   |   `-- machines.sdoc*
    |   |-- lists/
    |   |-- mail/
    |   |   |-- README*
    |   |   |-- review-sample.sdoc-0724*
    |   |   `-- summary.mail-0724*
    |   `-- seuldoc/
    |       |-- README*
    |       |-- doc-types/
    |       |   `-- doc-types*
    |       |-- examples/
    |       |   |-- install-pre*
    |       |   |-- web-post.html*
    |       |   `-- web-pre.sdoc*
    |       `-- seuldocspec.seul*
    |-- faqs/
    |   `-- seul-faq.txt*
    |-- groups/
    |   |-- group-breakout.html*
    |   `-- original-breakout*
    |-- lists/
    |-- mail/
    |   |-- bin/
    |   |   `-- routemail*
    |   |-- doc/
    |   |   `-- methods*
    |   `-- dotfiles/
    |-- plan/
    |   `-- brainstorming*
    `-- web/
        `-- lib/
            `-- sdoc/
                `-- doc/
                    `-- index.sdoc


What we need:

Development homepages: only dev-help has a homepage with anything major on
it.  dev-ui has some skeleton stuff on it, but nothing too useful yet.
All the development groups need killer homepages with all the information
you'd ever want about the group.  That includes what'd done, what's in
progress, what's still to do, documentation (i.e. Rick's XSM info),
sub-pages for each effort (i.e. a page on the XDM loop-o-death work),
links to other projects, etc.

The development pages are the lifeblood of this project, they need to look
like it.

The main development page also needs some help.  It's OK as it stands, but
it needs improvement.  I'm short on ideas for that one, so anyone with
suggestions please e-mail me.

Decisions must be written for various things and posted to the website.
There are some things we already know, such as the use of XDM.  However,
more work needs to be done before we can even start putting decisions up.
I'll be doing that ASAP, but I have to get people to handle other parts of
the site before I can do that.

dev/doc/: All documentation on the operation of this project should go
here.  We have some stuff in the repository about ssh and cvs.  They need
to be moved into the website and rewritten [I'll be doing that today]. 
Process documentation needs to be written and posted.

pub/doc/: This currently contains enough information to get you all
writing in sdoc, nothing more.  It should contain information about how
this group functions, etc., including links to the dev/doc/ information
about ssh and cvs.  Documentation about the repository functions itself
(relative to the website) will go here as well, though that's something
I'm going to have to write (since I wrote the software for that).

[whylinux,faqs,etc..]/: Whylinux needs to be brought up to date with the
latest copy of the document.  MANY faqs need to be written, on various

pub/public_html/ (the main site): IMO this looks pretty good, but there
still isn't much depth to it.  The whatsnew stuff needs to be dated and
expired, the homepage itself needs another rewrite and just more
information in general.  Links to other information, such as FAQs,
development work, etc., have be added.  Detailed information about the
project should be put in here as well, in subpages.  Yes, there will be
duplication of data relative to dev/html/, but this is our public face
whereas dev/html/ is for developers.  Yes, there is a difference even now.


To take care of one or more of these items, e-mail me with the number and
an ETA.  If there's something missing, e-mail me and I'll add it.  This
TODO will be formatted today and put on the website where you can keep
reloading it with recent information.

I'd like to have a name and eta by every line here by the end of this
weekend, mid-week at the latest.


1   improve the main page
2   convert seul-tasks to sdoc and split [luka?]
3   create page
4   get someone to review linuxconf and COAS
5   create page
6   convert/add Starsend's list
7   convert/add Donovan's editor page
8   create page
9   put up all the reviews and critiques of existing distribs
10  convert/add Core/Layers doc [omega] (3/5)
11  convert to sdoc [twoducks]
12  create page
13  find/convert reviews of install procedures
14  flesh out existing documents
15  convert/add XDM fixes messages and create one page for it
16  make a list of things broken in existing distrib/OS UI's
17  make it look prettier
18  (re)write ssh and cvs docs [omega] (3/1)
19  write a 'how to start developing for SEUL' doc [omega] (3/1)
20  iterate procedures
21  rewrite and reorganize for new information
22  write doc on how to work on webpages [omega] (3/1)
23  convert latest version of doc and update [mjackson]
24  update seul-faq.sdoc [twoducks,?]
25  licensing faq
26  write any other faqs needed
27  rewrite the content of the main page
28  date and expire whatsnew entries
29  create a decent News section (oh, and something to put in there...)
30  add a 'features' section?
31  better linking to parts of the site



     Erik Walthinsen <omega@seul.org> - SEUL Project system architect
       /  \                SEUL: Simple End-User Linux -
      |    | M E G A            Creating a Linux distribution
      _\  /_                         for the home or office user