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Re: [tor-bugs] #8085 [Stegotorus]: Develop a bad transparent proxy test

#8085: Develop a bad transparent proxy test
 Reporter:  vmon          |          Owner:  zwol
     Type:  task          |         Status:  new 
 Priority:  major         |      Milestone:      
Component:  Stegotorus    |        Version:      
 Keywords:  chopper, ack  |         Parent:      
   Points:                |   Actualpoints:      

Comment(by vmon):

 The transparent tester_proxy now has the commandline option[--drop-rate
 DROPRATE] where DROPRATE is a decimal number between 0 and 1. Everytime,
 read_cb is called back by libevent to retrieve the information, the proxy
 reads the data off the socket and then generate random number between 0
 and 1 and write it to the other socket, only if the number is greater than

 Without re-transmit, this bring the communication to stall. It is not
 clear for me that Stegotorus, as it is, can survive this even with
 retransmission for high drop rates. But there are ways to fix that. For
 one thing, I don't know why Stegotorus does not follow HTTP 1.1 standard
 of all connections are persistant. Persistent connections can solve quite
 few of the current problems.

 I have yet to write a formal python unit test running this with different
 rates but for now I'm using it to test the retransmission.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/8085#comment:1>
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