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Re: [tor-dev] Chutney code refactoring

Context: I've done a lot of Python development and once upon a time
delved into Chutney a little bit. In general I agree that there are some
confusing things including inheritance. So, I think giving it some love
through refactoring would make it more approachable.

As to the specific DictWrapper issue, I also found this confusing. It's
kind of tied into a custom templating system too. I would question
whether this is a good idea; there are many templating systems already
for Python -- what does Chutney's add that these don't already have?

While re-factoring I would try to reduce the amount of inheritence where
the user has to understand it to make progress. For example, any API
where a user is expected to override a class and re-write some methods.

I'd have to delve back into Chutney to give more specific suggestions,
but wanted to chime in and say that I also found it confusing and hard
to read Python :)

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