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Re: [tor-dev] Chutney code refactoring

On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 20:12:18 +0400
meejah <meejah@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> As to the specific DictWrapper issue, I also found this confusing. It's
> kind of tied into a custom templating system too. I would question
> whether this is a good idea; there are many templating systems already
> for Python -- what does Chutney's add that these don't already have?

That's why I want to understand what Chutney is trying to do exactly so
maybe I could find some pre-made wheels (no pun intended toward the
package format) in Python's ecosystem that will fit the vehicle, rather
than reinventing it. That is, of course, if such wheels make sense for
Chutney to use. One thing I love about Python is its mature ecosystem.

> While re-factoring I would try to reduce the amount of inheritence where
> the user has to understand it to make progress. For example, any API
> where a user is expected to override a class and re-write some methods.

Agreed, I will keep this in mind.

> I'd have to delve back into Chutney to give more specific suggestions,
> but wanted to chime in and say that I also found it confusing and hard
> to read Python :)

So far your suggestions have been helpful, so thank you.

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