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Re: Strange sockets...

On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 10:32:14AM +0100, freddyz77@xxxxxx wrote:
> I'm doing some check with windows server to detect XP client problem. I 
> just configured a server, reduce memory used by windows. I could see 
> that after some hours (I run server for 8 hours) handles keep to 
> raise... I arrive to 440 handles allocated (I used process explorer 
> from sysinternals site). I noted that many existing connections are to 
> or port.

Hm.  SO you're running a client, or a server?  Clients shouldn't have
hundreds of open sockets; it's normal for servers to have hundreds of
connections to their OR ports.    (This is because currently, a
typical server is connected to every other server.  Yes, we know this
sucks; we're working in improvements here.)

>    I also noted that there are some 
> additional listening sockets!!! It seems that tor do not close 
> listening connection doing socketpair. However I tried to extract 
> socketpair code in a test program and socketpair close listening socket 
> releasing port... quite strange, don't you think so. Could anyone that 
> have a windows tor server up use process explorer to see if it has such 
> listening sockets??

Very strange.  I'm pretty sure,from looking at the tor_socketpair
code, that the listening socket should get closed.  How weird!  If you
can investigate what (if anything) is going wrong here, that would be
very helpful.  We don't have many windows developers right now.

Nick Mathewson

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