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Re: cross compile m4 macro

On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 09:15:24AM +0100, freddyz77@xxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
>   I changed a bit your macro for memset(0) test (I also changed 
> some names to use in another project). Attached. It use a grep to 
> detect if NULL is the same of setting bytes to zero.
> bye
>   freddy77

Hi!  This is very clever, but we probably won't apply it.  First, the
point of the test is only to give an early warning if we'll break from
having an unexpected-but-legal representation for NULL; we don't have
sane fallback behavior here, so invoking it doesn't seem so important.
Also, this test has potential for false positives on compilers that do
funny by legal things with memory layout.

Nick Mathewson

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