Here's the torsocks README: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torsocks.git/tree/README.md
You could start by building and installing torsocks: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torsocks.git/tree/INSTALLT
-- teor ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for your reply..
I am intrested in TORSOCKS under usability category. Can you please provide me a begineer guide about the project so that i can get familiar with it.
Sorry for late reply.
> On 7 Dec 2018, at 02:28, Durgesh Kumar <durgesh.17bcs1179@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear sir/mam
> I am durgesh kumar from ABES engineering college,ghaziabad,uttar pradesh,india.
> I am currently in 2nd year of my graduation(Btech CSE )
> I want to contribute in some of your prestigious project. So i request you to please provide me some of your top priority project and a begineer guide.
> I hope you will concern my request.
Here's a list of our projects and some project ideas:
Let us know which ones you're interested in.