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Re: [tor-dev] A ContactInfo specification

> On 20 Oct 2017, at 23:44, nusenu <nusenu-lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> - collect additional (self-reported) relay metrics (for things like
> atlas and https://nusenu.github.io/OrNetStats )
> - exmples: How many use tor's Sandbox/OfflineMasterKey/KIST feature?
> - This data could provide tor developers with information on how well
> tested/how much used new features (like Sandboxes) are before changing
> defaults

In general, unstructured text should remain unstructured text.

Automated statistics would be more reliable for these particular use cases.
If the information is sensitive, it can be collected using a safe aggregation
scheme (PrivCount as described in prop280, or similar).

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