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Re: [tor-dev] A ContactInfo specification

Thank you for the feedback.

> In general, unstructured text should remain unstructured text.

Relay ops are free to choose from the available options (unstructured
and structured).

> Automated statistics would be more reliable for these particular use cases.
> If the information is sensitive, it can be collected using a safe aggregation
> scheme (PrivCount as described in prop280, or similar).

I agree that it would be desirable to not require manual steps (=error
prone and likely outdated over time) for items that can be automated.

Most fields on the current list can not be automated though.

Do you consider the following torrc _settings_ too sensitive to publish
by relays (without an aggregation scheme)?

- OfflineMasterKey setting (0/1)
- SigningKeyLifetime
- Sandbox (0/1)
- Schedulers

twitter: @nusenu_

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