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Re: Tor on Android

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 19:31, Nathan Freitas <nathan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Andriy Panchenko <andriy.panchenko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
BTW, maybe it makes sense also to keep/support a general purpose
OnionCoffee besides that, specially tailored for mobile devices?

Yes, figuring out how to branch/fork segments of the code, specifically around HTTP/SSL/TLS and JSSE will be important, since that is the primary difference between Android and JDK 1.6. In addition, the removal of AWT/UI calls from within the core OC engine is another step needed to keep the majority of codebase working between the two platforms.

Android / Sun-JDK / OpenJDK / BouncyCastle all support a large subset of the JCA standard, and from my testing on Android at least it supports all the cryptography functions needed for Tor. The only platforms that will be hard to support are RIM (BlackBerry) and older Symbian phones, as they don't provide any form of JCA at all.

Also I fully agree that a java implementation should support as much of Tor as possible, but I wonder if it's a good idea to do this in a single project. Interests are likely to vary, and from my "benchmark" results with OnionCoffee in it's current state I can safely say that it is not very well suit for usage on a devices with limited resources.

