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Re: [tor-relays] NHS UK blocking Tor?

Chris Whittleston wrote:
Can someone else running a relay from their home connection confirm that
they get an 'Access denied' error from http://www.nhs.uk? I've checked with
someone using the same ISP in the flat above me and they seem able to
access the site just fine, as can I via mobile internet so I'm down to
suspecting that they are blocking all Tor relay IPs. This is the exact
error I get:
Access DeniedYou don't have permission to access "http://www.nhs.uk/"; on
this server.

Reference #18.1f7f1002.1397514736.1fe2170c
The reference seems to change each time I visit. If this does turn out to
be them blocking Tor - advice on how to approach contacting them to resolve
this would be appreciated.



I am running both my relay, OnionTorte, and a vanilla machine from a home connection. Both get denied access, and the Ref# changes w/ each visit.



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