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Re: [tor-relays] NHS UK blocking Tor?

On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 23:37:35 +0100
Chris Whittleston <csw34@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Can someone else running a relay from their home connection confirm that
> they get an 'Access denied' error from http://www.nhs.uk? I've checked with
> someone using the same ISP in the flat above me and they seem able to
> access the site just fine, as can I via mobile internet so I'm down to
> suspecting that they are blocking all Tor relay IPs. This is the exact
> error I get:
> Access DeniedYou don't have permission to access "http://www.nhs.uk/"; on
> this server.

Rather than going back and forth with "nope blocked for me", "oh works for me"
useless junk, did it not occur to anyone to run a simple console command?...

  $ host www.nhs.uk
  www.nhs.uk is an alias for san.nhs.uk.edgekey.net.
  san.nhs.uk.edgekey.net is an alias for e9134.ksd.akamaiedge.net.
  e9134.ksd.akamaiedge.net has address

And Akamai blocking Tor is very old news, at least from back in September 2013:
So that's whom you (also) should be pestering about this, not (just) the
clueless support drones at NHS.

With respect,

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