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Re: [tor-relays] Is it safe to run an exit node from a VPS provider?


I would like to propose that you take a look from a different perspective (and
I thought from the mail subject the question will be about that) on this.

To run an exit node from a VPS provider is not safer -- TO YOU -- than running
an exit node from your personal home connection.

This man[1] had his house raided and his computers confiscated because of a
Tor Exit node that he was running **NOT EVEN AT HOME** but in a datacenter, in
a different country, on a server that he was renting (of course in his name).

From what I gather from discussions surrounding that incident, the only
reasonably safe way (again - to you) to run an Exit Node, is to do so on an IP
range that's SWIPed to an LLC or a similar company, and not just has one
physical person (you) responsible for it.


With respect,

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