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Re: [tor-relays] Overload data for Exit vs Non-Exit (and Guard vs Middle)?

On 08/31/2013 09:25 AM, Mike Perry wrote:
People with Munin setups: it would be especially useful if you could
post links/graph images for connection counts, bandwidth, and CPU load
since 8/19.
I have Munin data for three servers (each running two Tor instances):
(the start of week 34 on the graphs corresponds to 8/18)
(ignore aluminum—it is bandwidth capped and hibernating)

All are non-exit guards.
Atlas: https://atlas.torproject.org/#search/reflex

One Tor instance each from zinc and silicon went down about a day ago when the servers ran out of memory (memory usage has been climbing with connection counts). The UDP connections in the graphs are unrelated to Tor—they are from NTP pool servers that I am running. I will probably be rebooting all servers soon.


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