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Re: [tor-relays] huge increase in relay traffic

I am new here. Just started my first Tor exit ("privshield") one day ago, so I guess it is still "warming up"?! At the last heartbeat it only had 14 circuits open. For what it's worth: the same 504 gateway time out with a ridiculously long URL of hexdigits is in my logs:

Aug 29 23:19:59.000 [warn] Received http status code 504 ("Gateway Time-out") from server '154.x.x.x:80' while fetching "/tor/server/d/54BDF368367470FCBF015...067.z". I'll try again soon.
Aug 30 00:14:52.000 [warn] http status 504 ("Gateway Time-out") reason unexpected while uploading descriptor to server '154.x.x.x:80').

// Yoriz

On Aug 30, 2013, at 19:17 , tor@xxxxxxx wrote:

Our relay is a few weeks old and I think it is still in the process of 
ramping up its utilization to its configured max. Because of that, 
I find it hard to judge what may be excessive on it.

The last log on our server had it at 13,110 circuits open. Yesterday
it hit 10,000 once but seemed to be more hanging around 8,000.
The server's CPU is around 75% utilization. I don't see any error 
messages in the logs indicating inability to accommodate circuit
requests. Traffic is higher today than yesterday but looking at it
in the context of the past week and the steady increase, 
it's not way out of line.

Only odd thing I saw this in the logs was this. I've put in 
XXXXXXXX to cover the IP address, as I don't know what the log is about.

"Aug 30 12:07:02.000 [warn] Received http status code 504 ("Gateway 
from server 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80' while fetching "

And then there is a very long string designating a path
which starts with "/tor/server" and then has a whole bunch of 40-digit
hexadecimal numbers separated with + signs, and then the whole thing
ends with a single ".z". Then the line says "I'll try again soon."

On Friday 30/08/2013 at 12:38 pm, Stracci wrote:
I can also confirm that I'm seeing that message on all 4 of my exit's too. (as well as nearly double the amount of connections).


----- Original Message -----
From: "mick" <mbm@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tor-relays@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 9:27:12 AM
Subject: [tor-relays] huge increase in relay traffic

I'm currently seeing more than a doubling of connections (from a mean of
c. 2000 established connections to just over 5000) on my relay at
0xbaddad. The log is full of the (expected) messages:
"Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit creation

I guess this is related to the massive jump in connected clients
in the past few days and I assume that everyone else is seeing
something similar.



Mick Morgan
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