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Re: [tor-relays] I.P. being Blocked?

I checked the lists; all my ipv4 relays are there. At the same time, I haven't noticed any issues with network access from any of the addresses, in 5+ years of observations. Doesn't mean that nothing is blocked, just that ppl on my network never attempt to go to places behind the lists.

Wondering if someone could be held liable for blocking public access to government resources with no good reason. What happens if you decide to prevent people from accessing an BM SS office, for example? Â Â

2015-08-09 12:57 GMT-06:00 Roman Mamedov <rm@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Mon, 10 Aug 2015 06:39:45 +1200
Carlin Bingham <cb@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Try MX Toolbox's blacklist check[0], it searches over 90 blacklists and you'll find at the very least you're on one of the Tor-specific lists.
> [0] https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx

Yeah on precisely one:

> This DNS blacklist contains ALL tor nodes (both entry and exit nodes) - The
> tor nodelist is updated every hour automatically from the live tor network.
> There is no complaint procedure to have an IP address removed from this list
> as it will be automatically removed once the tor node ceases to run (with a
> maximum of 1 hour delay). More information about DAN TOR can be found at
> their website: https://www.dan.me.uk/dnsbl

So not "several", and not a "this IP is a source of spam" list, that one is
not even a blacklist per se, and those using it as one are incompetent and
wrong. In fact I would also categorize the person "so helpfully running it" as
such, since there is no reason whatsoever to track non-exit relays in any kind
of a publicly offered "black"list, unless you just want to inflict harm onto
the relay operators and get them unfairly blocked from various services.

With respect,

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