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Re: [tor-relays] IPv6 for the nifty?

-------- Original Message --------
On 26 Feb 2018, 19:52, nusenu < nusenu-lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I was wondering if you have any plans to get IPv6 connectivity?

As it happens AS28715 (BrassHornComms) is looking for any datacenters / ISPs that support IPv6 BGP peering from small (~1u / VPS) customers.

I've got a /32 to allocate but the expensive part is transit capacity (at least here in the UK) so once I hit ~1.5Gbit/s I can't push any more.

Vultr support BGP announcement from their VPS' but have adjusted their T&C's and you can't run Tor Exits even on your own IPs which is a shame.


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