Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:04:58 -0500 From: grarpamp <grarpamp@xxxxxxxxx><snip> <snip> I can imagine two strategies to avoid caching images on-disk: 1. Use an in-memory cache 2. Don't cache images While these strategies might not technically/legally offer much more protection (IANAL): 1. If the cache disappears as soon as the machine shuts down, it's much harder to prove the possession of anything illegal. (However, the proxy headers, live imaging, or an insecure/subverted server might give away what was being cached.) 2. And if images aren't being cached, while textual material could still be illegal, it's less likely to be specifically targeted by law enforcement. In my opinion, if you use HTTP over the internet, you are essentially consenting to caching, inspection, or worse. And most people know that by now. And if you use HTTP over Tor, you should be much more aware of this. teor teor2345 at gmail dot com pgp 0xABFED1AC teor at blah dot im OTR C3C57B23 349825DE 929A1DEF C3531C25 A32287ED |
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