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Re: [tor-relays] You relay isn't getting indexed by Authorities?

Nice one, thank you.
Tried on one of my exit nodes and 'tor.dizum.com is down'

Tried at home without public IP and everything was down.

On 1/12/15 10:31 PM, Dedalo wrote:
Some months ago I started running another tor relay (middle relay) and something happened, My relay wasn't getting indexed by any authority, neither wasn on atlas. A friend recommended me to make some tests, the problem was the ISP had blacklisted 6 Authorities, but to figure out this I had to make some tests... I made a very simple script which tests if your isp has blacklisted any authority or if you have a problem with your DNS...


Just run the script in the vps before you setup a relay to avoid indexing problems... The script makes a simple test but is efficient in most of authority cases.

twitter: @SeguridadBlanca
Github: Dedal0
Blog: https://blog.dedalo.in

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