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[tor-relays] update tor relay version

Hello  !
I have been hosting tor relay for 3 years and still have a version problem.
Let me explain: at the installation of my relay no problem, then a few weeks after an additional flag appears when I consult the relay search tool to display the data on my relay:

This relay is running a Tor version that is not recommended by the directory authorities and may contain know issues. This includes both obsolete and experimental versions.

The version number used:
Tor on Linux

I have already tried to update packages without success via an apt-get update
I would not want to have to reinstall my relay entirely.

What is the solution ?

Other questions, can you confirm to me that in case of migration on another server the only key files to preserve are:

- ed_master_id_secret_key
- secret_id_key
- secret_onion_key_ntor

I tried to copy these keys to another server without success. Are relays associated with the IP address of the server?

Sorry for my english !
thank you in advance for your help

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