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Re: [tor-relays] case law on for exit nodes

On 23 mei 2012, at 00:47, Mike Perry wrote:

> AFAIK, this is still true in the US. However, I'm pretty sure I've seen
> at least 3 court cases in the EU on this list (though too busy to dig
> them up right now). There have also been several equipment seizures in
> the EU that never escalated to a court case...

Thanks! Someone sent me a few links to one or more cases in Germany, related to wikileaks.de. If you come across more, please let me know.

Rejo Zenger . <rejo@xxxxxxxxx> . 0x21DBEFD4 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
GPG encrypted e-mail preferred . +31.6.39642738 . @rejozenger

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