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Re: [tor-relays] Upgrading to on Debian

On Sep 15, 2011, at 12:41 AM, auto63557492@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I setup a relay to support the cause, but also as a means to learn
> about Linux - still a long way to got on the latter, and so this
> question:
> I run aptitude regularly, and my sources.list includes "deb
> http://deb.torproject.org/torprojects.org squeeze main" but there
> are no updates coming through for tor beyond on my ppc
> platform. 

AFAIK, PPC binaries are not provided in the various linux repositories. The current stable branch is 2.2.x and the current development branch is 2.3.x, so the package you have installed is probably maintained by your distribution, not the Tor Project. I imagine the easiest way to get the latest version working is to follow the "Building from Source" instructions at https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en#source to make your own Debian packages. Make sure to include both deb-src lines if you want to move to the 2.3.x branch.

~Justin Aplin

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