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Re: [tor-relays] request at Hetzner

On 11/09/14 07:07, Toralf FÃrster wrote:

3 things:

This is what I get few days ago from Hetzer Support:

Guten Tag Herr FÃrster,

laut Deutschem Recht sind Tor Server im Moment nicht verboten.
Aus diesem Grund sind Tor Server bei uns auch nicht verboten.
Aus Erfahrung raten wir jedoch vom Betrieb eines Tor Exit Node ab.
Leider wird oft ueber Tor Server Content verbreitet welcher laut >Deutschem Recht
nicht erlaubt ist. Dies kann Ermittlungen von Behoerden nach sich >ziehen.

Maybe worth to update https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/GoodBadISPs ?


For the sake of records, I'm running a (reduced policy) tor exit node at Hetzner, I use to receive quite often abuse reports, but one day I simply told them that I was running a tor exit node and since that day i haven't receive a single abuse report. I keep my finger crossed, thought....


I'm planning to setup there a dedicated server now soon (with Gentoo Linux if possible) within next days - or are there too much servers already at the ISP Hetzner ?

And for the following days I do want put the line

"ExitPolicy reject *:*"
before all subsequent liens like
"ExitPolicy accept *:20-23     # FTP, SSH, telnet"

of the reduced exit policy to just look how the system behaves as a simply relay. Worth or superflous ?

Am I right, that later just commenting out that reject line enhance the Tor server from relay to "relay + exit node" ?
Or does this mean that

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