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Re: Mike's patch to Rob's patch
Roger Dingledine wrote:
} On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 11:40:28AM +1000, Robert Rendell wrote:
} > Is there an FTP area on SEUL?
} There's ftp://ftp.seul.org/pub/xarchon/ (aka /home/ftp/pub/xarchon on cran),
} which is around for publishing things.
} I just created ftp://ftp.seul.org/pub/xarchon/contrib/ which people can
} upload to.
Cool - thanks! Well, that should make transferring sizeable patches easier :)
As a start, I've uploaded my patch and the theme tar.gz (the same ones I
had at the URL I sent out), as rob.0.50.diff.gz and rob.theme.tar.gz
I presume that Galen has the xarchon login on that machine, and can
reorganise things/delete things from now on?
Have fun,
Rob R.